We have added more digital content to the Documents of the Sagara Family, the Documents of the Tsushima So Family, the Japanese and Chinese classics, and the catalog of the exhibitions of our rare books.
[New contents]
・Documents of the Sagara Family:
Added 185 titles including “(菊池家臣忠治書状)〔葦北郡相論治定〕”.
・Documents of the Tsushima So Family:
Added thirteen items, classified in the category of “諸方御内用往復書状扣”.
・Japanese Classics Collection:
Added 123 titles including “古今和歌集”, “[御伽草子] 23種” and “徒然草”.
・Chinese Classics Collection:
Added 54 titles including “叢林公論”, “李氏焚書” and “北溪先生性理字義”.
・Rare Books Exhibition Catalog (PDF):
New additional content is the exhibit of “義塾図書館を読む~和・漢・洋の貴重書から~” held in 2007. From the Japanese and Chinese books in the catalog, links are inserted to the Japanese and the Chinese classics collection on this site, and you can view the images of all pages.