略号、参考文献一覧(List of Abbreviations)

A:髙宮利行『「鵞ペンから印刷機へ」展―目で見る西洋写本文化と印刷文化』(1991.11)/ Takamiya, Toshiyuki, Pen to Press: From Manuscript to Print Culture(Keio University Library, 1991)[in Japanese]

B:慶應義塾大学 HUMI プロジェクト編『グーテンベルク聖書収蔵記念 慶應義塾大学図書 館稀覯書展』(慶應義塾大学 HUMI プロジェクト,1996)/ Treasures of the Keio University Library(HUMI Project, Keio University, 1996)[in Japanese and English]

C:松田隆美編『ローマ帝国からイギリス・ルネサンスへ―慶應義塾図書館蔵稀覯書展』 (慶應義塾大学,2001年)/ Matsuda, Takami, ed., Mostly British: Manuscripts and Early Printed Materials from Classical Rome to Renaissance England in the Collection of Keio University Library(Keio University, 2001)[in English with a summary in Japanese]

D:佐々木孝浩,住吉朋彦,松田隆美『義塾図書館を読む―和・漢・洋の貴重書から―』(慶 應義塾図書館,2007年)/ Sasaki, Takahiro, Tomohiko Sumiyoshi, and Takami Matsuda, 'Reading' Keio University Library: Treasures from Japanese, Chinese, and Western Rare Books(Keio University Library, 2007)[in Japanese, with bibliographical description in English]

E:松田隆美『信仰と学問―西洋中世写本の世界』(慶應義塾図書館第 293 回企画展示) (2012.6.6‒6.30 慶應義塾図書館)/ Matsuda, Takami, Faith and Learning: the Universe of Western Medieval Manuscripts(Keio University Library, 2012).[in Japanese]

F:髙橋智,徳永聡子,松田隆美『活字文化の真髄―日本の古活字版と西洋初期印刷本―』 (慶應義塾図書館,2015)/ Takahashi, Satoshi, Satoko Tokunaga, and Takami Matsuda, Treasures of Early Printing, East and West(Keio University Library, 2015). [in Japanese, with bibliographical description in English]

G:安形麻理編『インキュナブラの時代―慶應義塾の西洋初期印刷本コレクションとその広 がり―』(慶應義塾図書館,2018)/ Agata, Mari, ed., The Age of Incunabula: Keio University Collection of European Early Printed Books and its Scope(Keio University Library, 2018). [in Japanese, with bibliographical description in English]

H:松田隆美『究極の マテリアリティ 質感―西洋中世写本の輝き―』(慶應義塾図書館,2019)/ Matsuda, Takami, The Ultimate Materiality: the Splendour of Western Medieval Manuscripts(Keio University Library, 2019)[in Japanese, with bibliographical description in English]

Baba, Yukie, and Neil McLynn, 'On Confession: A Cistercian Treatise in Keio University Library', in Codices Keionenses: Essays on Western Manuscript and Early Printed Books in Keio University Library, ed. by Takami Matsuda (Tokyo: Keio University Press, 2005), pp.31-68

Boffey, Julia, and A. S. G. Edwards, compl., Medieval Manuscripts in the Norlin Library and the Department of Fine Arts at the University of Colorado at Boulder: A Summary Catalogue (Fairview, NC: Pegasus Press, 2002)

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De Hamel, Christopher, 'Phillipps Fragments in Tokyo', in The Medieval Book and a Modern Collector: Essays in Honour of Toshiyuki Takamiya, ed. by Takami Matsuda, Richard A. Linenthal and John Scahill (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer/ Tokyo: Yushodo, Press, 2004), pp.19-44

Edwards, A. S. G., 'The Hopton Hall Manuscript at Keio University' in Codices Keionenses: Essays on Western Manuscript and Early Printed Books in Keio University Library, ed. by Takami Matsuda (Tokyo: Keio University Press, 2005), pp.69-86

Edwards, A. S. G., 'Journeyman Manuscript Production and Lay Piety: the Hopton Hall Manuscript', in Medieval Texts in Context, ed. by Graham D. Caie and Denis Renevey (Abingdon, 2008), pp.113-121

Linenthal, Richard A., 'Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts: A Handlist of the Collection of B. S. Cron', The Book Collector, 54(2005), 553-63

Manion, Margaret M., Vines, Vera F., and Christopher de Hamel, Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in New Zealand Collections (Melbourne: Thames and Hudson, 1989)

Matsuda, Takami, ed., Mostly British: Manuscripts and Early Printed Materials from Classical Rome to Renaissance England in the Collection of Keio University Library (Tokyo: Keio University, 2001)

Rapp, Claudia, 'The Antiochos Manuscript at Keio University: A Preliminary Description', in Codices Keionenses: Essays on Western Manuscripts and Early Printed Books in Keio University Library, ed. by Takami Matsuda (Tokyo: Keio University Press, 2005), pp.11-29

Sandler, Lucy Freeman, Gothic Manuscripts 1285-1385, 2 Parts, A Survey of Manuscripts Illuminated in the British Isles, V (London: Harvey Miller, 1986)

Scahill, John, 'Lexemes and the Law: the Language of an Unpublished Fifteenth-century Cartulary in Keio University Library', in Imahayashi, Osamu, Nakao, Yoshiyuki, and Michiko Ogura, eds, Aspects of the History of English Language and Literature: Selected Papers Read at SHELL 2009, Hiroshima (New York and Frankfurt/M: Peter Lang, 2010), pp.267-83

Takamiya, Toshiyuki, 'A Hitherto Unedited Manuscript of Trevisa's De Proprietatibus Rerum', in Philologica Anglica: Essays Presented to Professor Yoshio Terasawa on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, ed. by Kinshiro Oshitari, et al. (Tokyo: Kenkyusha, 1988), pp.308-19