Nara Ehon and Emaki Collection

Nara ehon are illustrated manuscripts produced from the late Muromachi to early Edo period. The illustrations typically used bright colors, such as a vermillion and green, with gold and silver leaf and distemper.



Nara ehon are illustrated manuscripts produced from the late Muromachi to early Edo period. The illustrations typically used bright colors, such as a vermillion and green, with gold and silver leaf and distemper.The content consists mainly of short stories written from the Muromachi to early Edo period which belong to the genre of Otogi zoshi, including Urashima Taro. In addition to the three types of Nara ehon books--books in large, medium-sized vertical, or horizontal format--emaki(Japanese illustrated narrative handscrolls) and specially bound books in large vertical format with elaborate illustrations were produced for the upper class. The library houses around 60 Nara ehon and emaki, including Bunsho Zoshi, Kacho Fugetsu, Shuten Doji, and Yahyoe Nezumi.

※PDF files with transparent text is only available for the books below (as of May 2022).

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